How-to become-a-programmer
 How to become a programmer pic
         How to become a programmer This question arises in mind of almost every beginner. A lot of beginner’s thoughts that Professional Programming is A Rocket science- Dude don’t worry, Programming is only Logical Thinking- If you had the ability of logical thinking that’s enough for pro programming.

          Have you been researching for how to code like pro, being a beginner, some question arises in mind like How to create my first software? how they developing games like PUBG, GTA voice City, IGI Need for speed? Coding a Software like Photoshop ,Microsoft Windows operating systems etc is so difficult? 

 How to Become a Professional Programmer

 Silly Questions huh! 

           Thats were my questions when I was a beginner but don't worry I'll answer any questions you have and provide information which will make you a professional programmer, Insha’Allah. We will look at variety of different tips and tricks like what step you should take to become professional programmer and then the whole workflow of how to become a programmer then how the professional developing a software, and by the end, you should be able to answer questions like:

            --What does a professional programmer do when hire as freelancer or by company?              --How to do coding like professional programmer?

         We will cover everything that you need to know until you complete your first project,  and I have even included some extra bonus tips that are based on my own experience-so read till end of article – enjoy

 How to become a programmer Step by step 

  1. Chose a language like C++ Java Python etc.
  2. Learn the basics like variables loops arrays I/O file operations.
  3. Chose database if you interested in data driven applications like SQL Server, MongoDB MySQL SQLite etc.
  4. Do small projects in your chosen language like calculator currency converter etc by watching videos tutorials.
  5. After doing many small projects be specific in your programming go for application, system gaming web-based programming.
  6. Dig deeper into built-in functions of your chosen language try to use built-in functions in your small projects.
  7. Explore at least one project in every day or week if any problem goes to its documentation.
  8. While practicing or creating projects from scratch you will face some problems so don’t get embarrassed fell free to ask from developers at stack-overflow or language forum.
  9. Do some projects for free try contribute to GitHub projects of you interest.

The whole workflow of projects is something like this,

                 A problem arises in real life. The investors want solutionThe investors will contact software company.The project managers will describe the problem by intertwining collect as many information as they can.
  1. They will choose a process like waterfalls incremental etc.
  2. The designer will choose algorithms and write down functions classes interfaces relationship inheritance etc.
  3. Everything a programmer need will provide by project manager in the form of documentation.
  4. Then as programmer your work start from here read documentation and develop software.
  5. Never in the history of computer science a best and large-scale software never start by just writing code so keep in mind, the software development passes through some phases like requirements gathering documentation choose process some algorithms design or model of classes and then the proper coding phase start.
  6.  The software development process then divided into chunks one developer coding one part of software and the team are busy in other aspects. so, they work in a large team with large management system- Programming is just a small part of Software development or Software Engineering.
  Here is your Pro tip Don't be afraid from coding 85 percent of your projects done by other people you can find source code libraries frameworks to re-use in your projects.



  1. I'm starting a program at school which is software development ,I'm kindly asking to what advantage will I have for obtaninob software development skills and how can I devrlop Interest?

    1. Tell me briefly what you are interested in where are you from? in which class you are?

  2. Very helpful Thanks for sharingThis article.

  3. Very Good Love your article I share it BRO


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