Appearing on the top of YouTube first page in the search is is difficult we will show you the basic step of youtube seo how to rank #1 on youtube.

           Nearly 4.5 billion searches google and YouTube getting every day people are searching for information about products tutorials books etc.  interesting fact  according to a research that 90 percent webpages are not showing on the top page of google and YouTube there is only 10 percent chances. YouTube SEO and how to rank #1 on youtube for a video is just important  as it is for your Blog and site articles. To make sure to get as many views and Subscribers as possible You need to make sure that people can find your content when they searching in Google Yahoo Bing ETC.

youtube seo how to rank #1 on youtube.
Rough chart of adsense 

What search engine algorithm look to rank your videos.

  1. Descriptive Title.
  2. Description of video.
  3. Relevant Tags.
  4. Channel is new Or old, old is more trusted and rank video faster than new.
  5. Subtitles of your videos if you are not providing subtitle YouTube will automatically generate it to understand what it about if it is in English.
  6. How much time it has been watched?
  7. More Like more rank and Dislike.
  8. More share of video to Social media from different people and from different location more rank.
  9. Do not buy views for your videos.
  10. Make sure people watch your videos complete if the leave it after one or two minute and your video is Ten-minute-long your down in rank.
                                                       Youtube seo how to rank #1 on youtube

Youtube SEO Explain

         In order to do that you need to make sure your video have Descriptive titles Description and Relevant Tags a lot of people forgot about the tag feature in YouTube  because search engines like Google Yahoo and Bings don’t look metadata keyword and tags Any more in the website and blogs articles but in YouTube that’s not the case YouTube Cannot look inside your videos to Know what it about so YouTube Depend on the Tags  the Title and description also on Sub titles Now days So use relevant tags and avoid irrelevant tags very Important.

         if your  video on YouTube have great title and description and video got all of its relevant tags and avoid irrelevant tags  that video will rank high and its very important for any video if it get these properly the video will get high rank on YouTube. 

          Make sure that do your search before naming your Video and Writing Description if you want to do that just write something relevant to your video in Google and  see what automatically pups down these are very commonly search terms go through these search terms or keyword if the competition is very high  tweak the keyword or title a little bit definitely  do your research before you title your video the most common people use google keyword and word stream ETC there some free and some paid But I will definitely recommend the Google keyword and word stream tools Play with it chose the one best for you. '

           Do not forgot about user friendliness Do not go very near to SEO keyword your video title should be sixty forty when the viewers See the title they want to watch the video, so definitely think about search engine optimization of your video when uploading to YouTube it is just important as your search engine optimization for your Blog and Website articles.

Tags:  youtube seo how to rank #1 on youtube, youtube seo, video seo,

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