Become a Professional Web Developer
Become a Professional Web Developer 

                      Being a professional web developer is difficult but not Impossible when I were start first coding I wonder how to become a Web Developer but there is no one to told me about what step should I take and what online forums community professional web developer using when doing their projects for clients I have learned these professional techniques by myself I will share all these techniques with you so you will answer of How to Become a web developer. 

               And keep in mind every professional Web developer starts his career by Hello world! Welcome to PHP program Or whatever language they used . 

                     The question is how to Become a Web Developer first take a look at Who is a Web Developer? 99% of reader may know but here is short definition: A web developer is a Experience programmer and Designer that creates web-based applications which can be accessed through the Internet.These websites and apps have specific features and functions that the developer is responsible to build through his programming knowledge.

Step how to Become a Web Developer

  1. Learn about Internet how it works in general.
  2. Choose a specialty example Front-end Back-end or Full-stack web developer.
  3. Chose programming language.
  4. Learn by doing other people projects.
  5. Build online portfolio on GitHub and LinkedIn.
  6. Learn a bit about testing and debugging.
  7. Join and interact with a web developers forum example stack overflow.
  8. Learn from other websites explore a website on GitHub every week.
  9. Practice makes Man perfect.
                         How to become a professional web developer

 In simple words A we developer is a person responsible for creating website and customizing the Existing one in some programming languages like

  •  PHP 
  •  C# 
  •  C++ 
  •  RUBY
  •  ASP.NET
  •  PYTHON  etc.
Design the website in
  •   HTML
  •  CSS
 Use A database to store the data on the Server like
  •  Microsoft SQL Server
  •  MySQL 
  • MongoDB 
  • MariaDB 
  • SQLite 
  • Oracle RDBMS
  •  IBM DB2
  •  SAP Sybase ASE 
  •  FileMaker 
  • Microsoft Access 

Step briefly explain how to Become a Web Developer

Learn about Internet how it works in general. Learn about protocol HTTPs FTP etc. A little about Networking how data goes from server to Webpage and from Webpage to Server.

Choose a programing language. As we discuss many Programming languages be specific with one group of languages example PHP,MySQL,HTML CSS and JAVASCRIPT explore other group of languages definitely do your research before choosing one.

 Choose a specialty. You can choose Front-End web development what the user sees on the web pages and Back-End the administration area chose whatever you want but be special in it. If you want to be a Full Stack developer, you should need more knowledge time and practice.
Learn by doing other people projects. Create a project with the help of tutorials on YouTube Udemy or Lynda step by step then explore other people projects Source code and documentation contribute if you find an bug it will help to build your profile.

Build online portfolio. Create account on GitHub, LinkedIn upload your projects to GitHub repository, if you don’t have any project contribute to other people project and try solve problem of newbie on stack overflow this will help make you professional developer.

Testing and Ddebugging. After you complete some of your projects proper testing is needed and during writing code an error or bug occur Debugging will help remove that and when you’ll take on bigger projects, learn not to repeat errors as you progress.

Join online forum. Join and interact with a web developers forum example stack overflow try ask if you have any problem during coding the developers out there will help you for free and why for free because, they will learn from your problem and it will help build the developer portfolio.

 Learn from other Websites. Eexplore a website on GitHub every week and its source Code and Documentation try contribute it.

 Practice. Practice makes Man perfect. a lot of practice you must do to become a professional web developer.'

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