how to focus on your studies
Figure How to focus on your study

             First things first;  If you want to know how to focus on your studies start with the basics and set your study goals. Ask yourself why you are here, but not the primary one. Knowing your objectives completes half the job.

1.Set your study space

                If you want to know how to focus on your studies The place your study should be away from distractions, such as TV and in quite place where others in family don’t sit and talk or move around . Make sure the lighting is good and table & chair are comfortable. Remove clutter a cluttered desk can make your mind cluttered too.

So, avoid having everything useless, all the books that you have ever used in school or college etc. on the table. Just keep those book’s you will need that day, according to what have you planned to study? Do not study on your bed because It is for relaxing and sleeping and that’s the message yours brain gets if you sit and study on it.

2. If you want to know how to focus on your studies Organize your study spot.

Have everything you need to study with you. All books and stationeries should be within your reach. If you get up to something you will lose focus.

3.Turn it off.

Turn off electronic devices like computers, cell phones etc. Only use your computer if you need it for your studies, otherwise you will be tempted to stray and start browsing. Even if it is for a few minutes, it will shift your focus away. Did you know that there is self-restraint, self-control and think that can keep? you away from the websites and software that are the difficult to resist. If you can block Facebook, at least for a few hours not for days.

4.Clarify objectives.

Know how much syllabus have to cover and in how much time, Go though out the exam syllabus and truthfully decide which subjects need more attention, may be because of the lengthy course or because it is difficult and requires a lot of learning. \

Then set objectives that should include how much time you will give to which subject, which topics you will do in which order and makes sure there is time for revision. Once you have set a clear goal, you will be in a better position to focus on it and attain it.

5.Tackle the difficult part first.

Your power of concentration is higher in the beginning of your study session. Do the most critical and challenging topics and first then move on to the easier ones. If you do the easier tasks first, you will be thinking and stressing about the harder ones the whole time, reducing your productivity and ability to focus.

Sometime the least desirable part of an assignment may be time consuming and it could drain/kill all your available time. So, try to limit your time and self-supervise to move on to easier matters, if absolutely necessary.

6.Break it up.

Study for say one hour then take a five-minute break. This will help your brain recharge. But don’t over-do the brake. The brake can mean anything moving around, having a little snack, or just closing your eyes and relaxing.

7.Give in to temptation.

You can your break in a useful way by giving in to the temptation that is really making you lose focus while studying. And by „temptation‟ I mean things like Facebook, messages, phone etc. just get it out of your system so that you can relax and get back to studying without your mind wondering if your friends messaged you or not.

Let‟s be practical, social media and phone addition are really distracting and cannot be controlled in a day. So rather than wasting hours wondering about them while you should be focusing on learning check them out and kick out thoughts to concentrate on the next study session. Ultimately you’ll be able to get more done. But this step should only be flowed when blocking yourself from these distractions.

8.Follow your body clock.

There are certain times of the day when all of us are super-charged and when we are low. It’s due to our body clock that has its own way of working and different people have different peak energy times. Some people learn best early in the morning and can’t keep their eyes late in the night. Listen to your body and study during that time.

9.Sleep well.

You need to have enough sleep each day. No concentration tips and tricksare going to work on a tired body and mind.

10.Eat well.

If you eat healthy, your mind will be healthy too. Fruits, vegetables anddairy products will keep your energy level up and make you fit for any task. More tips for studying Better.

How to focus on your study

More tips about how to focus on your studies

Once you know what you want, the next step is to prepare a weekly study timetable. Set a routine for everything. Your timetable could include the time you should go to bed, the time you should have your meals, and most importantly the time you should spend on studies.

Now, I am not asking you to give up all your social activities, but you have to take some bold steps. If you dine out daily, it is better to limit this to one day per week, which will help you save some money as well.

Self-help is the key here. No one else is going to stop you from doing what you want, but you’re the one who will face the consequences if you fail to meet your targets. Remember you are at university for a reason, and if that reason is lost nothing else will fit well in the equation.


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