How to make online game
Figure:how every online game works

            What is the Idea behind every online game, How to Make online game like PUBG Call of the Duty Why, your Pings (MS), FPS pocket loss High or low? we will answer Question like these in this tutorial without Wasting your time let’s start.

          The PUBG players unknown battle ground is an online game which is very popular among all online games so, we decide to conduct a research on How to make online game the idea behind  every large volume online games like PUBG. And  then Answer the Questions like how the PUBG game has been created how its working Behind the Scene. Your games lack or someone just kill you and you don’t know from where and when someone shoot you. What is the idea of every online games like Call of duty battle ground, how these large volume 3D online Games run so faster and render to 100 of computer at the same time from SERVER. 

                  Rendering is the process of converting 3D simulation of cameras lights objects and its environment to 2D images which then play as video on user computer FPS Frame Per Second. The data goes from server to computer and from Computer to Server in the Form of packet if you have high packet loss then you cannot play game smooth.

FPS Example pubg
Figure FPS Example PUBG

                 Packet loss refers to any packets of data that are lost or dropped in transit during travel across a computer network. When your Packet loss is increases it mean some frame lost by when coming to your computer.

packet Loss Example in Pubg
Figure packet Loss Example in Pubg

                 The time it takes for the action to travel from the server and back to the computer, is called Ping. It is usually in milliseconds ‘MS’ unless you have terrible internet, in which case your ping would be in the seconds, As I should you in Figure Bellow.

               NOTE Normally Rendering take days to convert 3D simulated environment to Videos with distributed Network of high-Speed Computers. Today, we will discuss the idea of online Games like PUBG and Call of Duty which had to render with in pulse of second and even faster to maintain interaction between hundreds of users simultaneously. We will look an Example of PUBG now look the pings if it high when you playing someone with Low pings will kill you and collect (Loot) from your crates and then you will Know after some time. 

How to make online Game Main Idea

               The whole Idea Behind the online Games is the Environment or Map and the objects like houses land Trees Etc, in the Environment is static from local computer or Mobile phone from every User. The players,cars and weapon they are Dynamics user can interact with everything,once the user interacts with the static object like house wall example when they shoot the wall or other player with gun the data goes from the one Player computer to the server and then from server to all player computer very quickly Cameras taking up to 60 Frame in one second so its look like video display to everyone with in Specific range.   Tags: How to make online game, Idea Behind every online Game

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